Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When it rains it pours.......

....so the expression goes! Things have been so busy around this house, mostly fixing things that are not working properly! :) We have had a virus on the computer lately...joy! We haven't been able to load email or other things and the latest episode is that pop ups of inappropriate things are happening which is not a good thing when you have small children in the house. Believe me, Brian and I are the two most boring people on the face of the earth and don't look at such websites, but for some reason whenever you get a virus that's the kind of junk that pops up there. This is our second time to have a virus and not on the same computer mind you. It's so aggravating!

Not only that, but the nozzle to the bathtub broke off the other day and yesterday we had a mini flood in the hallway and bathroom. I have been hearing water trickling for some time, but we thought we found it and fixed it and then Brit overflowed the sink and flooded the hall. The plumber came today and fixed it (nothing more than a clogged drain behind the wall), but now we will have to place the floor in the hall because the wood is buckling....great, huh?

In a few days I'll be on summer vacation! If I can just hang on to my sanity until then all will be well, I keep telling myself.

All is not gloom and doom in our household, however. We recently took Britain to the Air Show in Shrevport where Brian and I got truly baked and came back looking like lobsters! In fact he made fun of the burn on my knees saying that it looked like Neopolitan ice cream where the pink met the white of the rest of my leg. Lucky me, I married a smart aleck!

Britain is a constant source of entertainment (and fatigue) for us these days. He gets into everything, but he really says some funny things these days too. Earlier he came in here naked from the waist down and Brian told him to go get his pants. Britain replied, "I can't" and when Brian said, "why", he got this reply..."a monster has them"
Miss Avery continues to grow way too fast. She is such a sweet baby. I really enjoy having a girl in the house. Believe me I can go nuts over some bows! :) See her sweetness below? That's my precious gerber baby!
Until some other catastrophe happens.......