Saturday, March 8, 2008

First time at this!

Well it seems that every family I know or at least the ones with small children are blogging these days! I don't know that we are an exciting enough family to do much blogging, but I'm going to give it the old college try anyway.

We have been a very busy houshold lately. Avery is one month old already and growing like a weed. She slept for 5 hours straight last night, thank goodness. If she didn't fight bedtime so much, she might have slept longer, but it took a while to get her down after her last feeding. She is a very good baby and the whole family is enjoying our new addition.

Britain is proud to be a big brother. He is jealous occassionally, but takes it out more on Mommy and Daddy more than anyone else. He seems to have adjusted well the last few weeks though. He is doing well with potty training. He almost never has accidents lately, so I'm hoping to ditch the pull ups soon (I say this as I cross my fingers, knock on wood, hold my tongue the right get the idea)!

Dakota is mostly thinking about driving these days. He got his permit in January, and is waiting for his "log" to come in from the state where we have to document the road hours he spends actually driving. He is driving to school daily with Brian. So far, so good. Brian says he has been careful and has done well so we'll see.

I just went back to work yesterday (sigh). It was a financial decision on my part since I was on bedrest for about 5 weeks prior to Avery's birth. She is 4.5 weeks old, so I tell myself that it's only a week early and if I count spring break then it's the same as having a whole six-weeks! I'm taking a longer time to heal from my c-section this time, but I think I'm finally on the mend. I'm starting feel almost normal again!

Brian is still enjoying his new job at Hallsvile High School. He has finally found the school for him. After two years at Marshall and then 2 at Longview, he is really enjoying the climate and students at his new campus.